Thursday 31 January 2008

The Benefits System

Currently we give out free money to anyone over the age of 16 years, you just have to lack the shame to take it when you could get out and work for it, taking money from people who do work for it.

DON'T get me wrong the original idea was laudable.
Prevent hardship for men and their families following redundancy, allowing them to survive whilst looking for employment.
Who could disagree with that.

The problem now is that you have five categories.

1). The temporarily embarassed - looking for work

2). Sick and Lame - Genuinely unable to work

3). The Resting - taking a rest, will go back to work when they feel like it.

4). Lazy - Why work when you can get free money?

5). Thieves - claiming and working.

1 and 2 are ok the others need a kick up the backside.

The current system positevely encourages reckless and feckless behaviour.

They say that single mothers don't get a flat. No. They first get put up in a bed and breakfast for a year, then get a flat. Then when they get pregnant with the next child, if its a different sex they get a bigger flat. Older child with younger siblings, another bedroom. Get enough kids and they'll knock two house into one.

UNLESS You're in private rented accomodation or own your own home when its down to you.

They have created a poverty trap. Because every child knows that they won't starve, unless they have parents who want to motivate them, there is no need to study hard at school.

Why should they unless they intend to work for the next 49 years.
Because they never have to struggle for things, they are just given them, they do not respect other peoples property, whether its taking it or damaging it.
Because they have no employment they have time to get bored and unforfilled.
Hence the poor behaviour we witness.

T h e S o l u t i o n.

No benefits unless you've paid National Insurance.
Benefits limited to, two years with a ten years limit in any one lifetime.
Of course that would push more into invalidity benefit.

Incapacity benefit needs to be replaced with incapacity assistance.

There needs to be less cash given out. More physical assistance with a view to finding some employment.
There are a lot of jobs that can be carried out from home.

And if you get pregnant no additional funds as you must have been aware of your situation prior to getting pregnant.

That doesn't mean that the recently berieved etc, are left to cope alone, but where a young single girl chooses to get pregnant then they will have to cope with it.

The taxation system needs to be simplified. Raise the personal tax allowance to at least the minimum threshold income that a family requires. An additional tax allowance for each child. A transferable married persons tax allowance for each partners. Do away with child benefits. Do away with family tax credits.

To be continued

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